Friday, April 29, 2016


Men's Precision Haircuts, Beardsmithing, Luxury Shaves.
(*Women's Long Layer Cuts, Pixies, and Hair Extensions at my private studio)
Fall 2016 is now here!
 Planking: My favorite addition to my routine

I'm on YouTube. Enjoy my NEW You Tube channel called Gray Bailey, a lifestyle channel.
 I started it in March 2016 and am going through a beard and facial hair series. Absolutely EVERYTHING you want to know about beard and mustache growing, styling, and care
I will cover other topics after that

"Welcome. How can I help you today?"

You are going to LOVE it.
Here is the link to Gray Bailey:
 And don't forget to subscribe to the channel.
Here's an example of one of the videos on Beard Oil:

I'm on Instagram. Follow me @georgeabruno
What a great time to get into shape, get moderate amounts of sunshine, with lot's of fresh air, and activity.

Note Additional Services:
I also go on the road. Your time is money.
A haircut in your home $150.
Need to be camera-ready or press-ready? Getting new headshots, a have big meeting, or going to be on-air or a press conference? I will do your hair and makeup (Everybody needs makeup when on camera)
$500 flat rate for the event.
Need a motivational or keynote speaker for a dinner, conference, hair show, etc? Call for fee
Need a radio or TV guest/expert? Call for fee.
Need a video/web/TV commercial spokesperson? Call.
Last minute bookings? Scheduled speaker or trainer cancel and leave you hanging? I can help. Just call.

        "Thank you for your business. I appreciate it"

George Bruno